Wetchler, J.L.; McCollum, E.E.; Nelson, T.S.; Trepper, T.S.; Lewis, R.A. (1993): Systemic couples therapy for alcohol-abusing women. In: T.J. O'Farrell, Ed., Treating Alcohol Problems: Marital and Family Interventions, New York, NY: Guilford, 236-260

Systemic Couples Therapy (SCT) is a brief, couple-focused treatment approach designed as an addition to individual alcohol treatment for women. As such, it attends specifically to the relationship context in which women alcoholics live and the impact of that context on their alcohol use. The primary goal of SCT is to help women clients abstain from alcohol use and otherwise meet their treatment goals. The SCT model is an integrative one, drawing on aspects of several family therapy schools. The basic treatment dynamic is the identification and modification of present couple behavior patterns that maintain alcohol use. This chapter presents the SCT model in three stages: (1) Creating a Context for Change, (2) Challenging Behaviors and Expanding Alternatives, and (3) Consolidating Change. Specific techniques were described within each stage. SCT is an initial attempt to assess the effectiveness of an integrated couple-focused model with this population. This model is designed to be used in conjunction with an individual-focused alcohol treatment program
